It looks like most of the club is heading to Lafayette (Fun Nation) for the #MLK day hours: 12-4 ($8/admission). Jensen and I will meet you at the rink around 2:30. I have to do some media-making for both the rink ( and the club site (this site) during session and we'll use our time after (4-6) for a continuation of clip making and prep for Memphis. No classes will be held; just a special private practice club skaters.
I'll post the media we take today in the comments below.
Feel free to share any photos/videos you may have taken in the comments below. If you share, we will likely use it on rink and club sites/social pages, so FYI if you aren't a member of the rink's site yet. Click here to join the rink's site.

Figure 112A par Jensen Wiley (11), un élève d’immersion en langue française dans la paroisse de Lafayette, en Louisiane, et mêmbre-athlète compétitif