Figure One, or Figure 1, is the first of four circle figures that cover all edges in skating.

Figure One
Figure 1 is skated forward on a circle figure, demonstrating the Right-Outside-Forward (ROF) and Left-Outside-Forward (LOF) edges. Each edge is repeated. That's right, both edges skated twice.
Figure 1's first edge, or repetition, is the Right-Outer-Forward (ROF), telling the skater to employ the Right skate on an Outer edge going Forward. This means the tracing will start on the right circle, due to the edge requirement.
• Repetition 1 (ROF)
• Repetition 2 (LOF)
• Repetition 3 (ROF)
• Repetition 4 (LOF)
Check out this video to see it in action.
ROF and LOF seem easy enough, right? Figure 1 can sometimes be confused with another circle figure: Figure 2. The R in ROF and L in LOF always refer to the Employed Skate (Left or Right) and never refer to the circles themselves. The most common Figure 1 error: using your Right skate (R) to trace the circle on your left. Why: this creates an inside edge (Figure 2)—when you're supposed to be showing an outside or outer edge (Figure 1).
Proper approach and as seen in competition:
• Repetition 1 (ROF)
• Repetition 2 (LOF)
• Repetition 3 (ROF)
• Repetition 4 (LOF)
Skating's edges are introduced with the following schema in mind: Skate, Edge, and Direction
• The Employed Skate, or "skate," in use: Left (L) or Right (R)
• The Edge being created: Outside or Outer (O) and Inside or Inner (I)
• The skate's orientation, or traveling Direction: Forward (F) or Backward (B)

Both Figures 1 and 2 are demonstrated going forward. Figure 1 requires outside or outer (O) edges, while Figure 2 requires inside or inner (I) edges.
Figure 1: ROF - LOF
Figure 2: RIF - LIF
Both Figures 3 and 4 are demonstrated going backward. Figure 3 requires outside or outer (O) edges, while Figure 4 requires inside or inner (I) edges.
Figure 3: ROB - LOB
Figure 4: RIB - LIB
Source: School Figures by

School Figures by
@jewelwebb35 @Annie @Charlotte Ochanine