Meet Documentation: File Library / Competitions / 2023 / Dallas
1.0 Meet Planning
Due to the market, Airbnbs are way more expensive in Dallas. When you're searching for options, you have to limit your group size to 10 to have any options near the rink (and near an appropriate budget). Therefore, for Dallas, we really need to know who is coming, so we can determine the cost per person and we have to limit RSVPs to the 7 essential individuals competing (CMAs) and 4 spectators. Otherwise, we'll have folks sleeping on the couch :(
1.1 Airbnb
Deadline: 10 PM on Tues, 3/14/2023
Cost depends on the availability and the number of confirmed RSVPs. Please budget a per diem of $150-200 for lodging. Please use the comments below to RSVP. Please bring this per diem total on or before this Saturday, March 18, 2023.
1.2 Transportation
Deadline: Morning of departure ($60), cash only
2.0 Reminders
This Meet is an official Event sanctioned and regulated by USA Roller Sports. See all USA Roller Sports events.
2.1 SafeSport
training required training
Complete SafeSport before the start of business on Monday, March 20 or you may not be allowed to register as a competitor in the Dallas Meet ("Meet"). All Roller Louisiane club members of legal age, so both non-competitive Member-Athletes ("MAs") or Competitive Member Athletes ("CMAs"), are required by our club and our National Governing Body, USA Roller Sports, to complete SafeSport Training and stay current (yearly). Please, get started right here today.
2.2 Registration
--- Monday, March 13, 2023, is a deadline day ---
This means if you don't have your check in the mail, you may not have it postmarked in time to meet the Dallas Meet's deadline and you may have to pay a late fee. For All: Continue reading for a summary and next steps. Please use the following information for personalizing and mailing your personal check to the Host Club (Broadway Skating Club).
Check Info
• Date on Check: Monday, April 13, 2023
• Payee (Pay to the Order of): Broadway Skating Club
• Note Field (Club ID): Roller Louisiane LA-011A
• Mailing Address: 808 Via Barcelona, Mesquite, TX 75150
• Annie Mahoney: $79 (4 events)
• Jensen Wiley: $43 (2 events)
• Patrick Doyle: $97 (5 events)
• Jewel Montgomery: $43 (2 events)
• Kimora Webb: $43 (2 events)
3 of 5 CMAs have confirmed their check # and that payment is en route (mailed). Please leave a comment below with your check number and note to confirm your check is en route. I will update the following list based only on Comments left in the Comments Section at the bottom of this page.
60% Complete
• Annie Mahoney: $79 (4 events) // ✅ Check #1542 in the mail
• Jensen Wiley: $43 (2 events) // ✅ Check with note #5464 is in the mail
• Patrick Doyle: $97 (5 events) // ✅ Check #2010 in the mail
• Jewel Montgomery: $43 (2 events) // Check # Needed
• Kimora Webb: $43 (2 events) // Check # Needed
3.0 Meet Info
Anyone interested in joining Roller Louisiane in Dallas as a spectating Member-Athlete ("MA") or as our club's guests (families, friends), should consider the following collapsible list, which is a summary of the Meet Director's official documentation (5 files), all of which are publicly available in our club's File Library under the folder titled: Competitions.
Here is a schedule for our first few days. Look it over and let me know if I missed anything!
Once I am done with Sunday's schedule I can send y'all a word document. Merci patineurs!
Thursday, April 6
Leave Arnaudville mid-morning and drive to Mesquite, Texas Airbnb.
Hang competition outfits and replace any missing stones.
Sometimes they are ahead or behind schedule as the day progresses, so it is important to stay ready for your category.
Friday, April 7
4:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Practice: Entry: $5/Participant (4-7 PM); Spectators admitted free
• Structure: Figures 4-5 PM, Dance 5-6 PM, Freestyle & Pairs 6-7 PM
Saturday, April 8
5:50 a.m. arrive at 3022 Moon Dr, Mesquite, TX 75150 for Figure Practice & Warm-Up
6:30 am – 9:00 a.m. Figure Events
Panel 2 (Front)
· Jensen Elementary C Figures 1B/111A
· Kimora Elementary C Figures 1B/111A
· Annie Adult C Figures 1B/111A
· Jewel Adult C Figures 1B/111A
Panel 1 (back)
· Patrick Gold 2,3 Figures 2B/ 105A
11:00 a.m. Team Dance Roll Around
· Patrick and Annie
11:54 a.m. Team Dance
· Patrick and Annie Adult C Team Dance Glide Waltz, American March
I will be going as a spectator if a spot is still available
I’m in
Athlete Registration is complete -- just sharing to close the loop! @Annie @Patrick Doyle @Meghan Wiley @jewelwebb35 @bbwespider.l If you plan on going to Dallas, please add a comment to confirm. @Desi @Kayla Winey @Dakota Vidrine Copies of the image (below) and PDF sent to the Meet Director can also be found in this meet's folder in our library: https://www.rollerlouisiane.com/file-library/e173a15e-c320-48e8-8731-958df85fa0e9
@Siobhan Jordan
I’ll be there! Count me in for the Airbnb
Small update: Deadline for checks is today March 13 not April 13 💕