In preparation for #HeartOfMemphis2023 / #Memphis2023, we started a group text thread to keep everyone in the loop. It's been great to catch up and see what's on people's minds and immediately share those questions, out in the open, which tend to slip our minds by the time we walk into the rink.
Starting February 1st, you'll be able to buy what you want and need in Le Dép, our very own Pro-Shop, right here on Le Dép is short for le dépanneur, a name I chose as a nod to my years in Québec (QC), where term dépanneur or just dép is used for the North American "corner store." To me, Boutique du pro just seemed too general.
ACCESS FOR ALL—ONLINE Whether you're a hobbyist (regular session skater) or training roller sports as a member-athlete ("MA") of our club—and any club—you will have access to the products you want and need, including equipment and accessories, merch and tools, to name a few—all powered by Roller Louisiane, and multiple other vendors.
In the meantime...
Perhaps you want something now. Depending on the article in question, you may need or want duplicates (tights for example). This post is about sharing what else is out there..

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When you're investing in new skates, you need to have an honest conversation about how often you skate now and what you really want out of your skates.
If the skater skates weekly or monthly, child or adult, the skater needs roller sports equipment. I've skated on every brand of roller sports equipment—everything—absolutely every boot, plate, wheel, every bearing ever made in the US. Nothing comes close to Roll-Line's quality and science. Plus, Roll-Line holds its selling value as the world's preferred maker. Rinks rarely sell it, clubs even more rarely have access to it. The equipment for the masses and the hobbyist, beginner athlete, and even "expert" skater is frankly, junk—overpriced, heavy, clunky, museum-ready junk.

When you order complete skate packages (CPSs) with us, or on, your skates are turn-key—meaning, they arrive assembled, mounted, and ready to go.
In your box, you will also find a standard tool kit with wrenches for adjusting and working with your new plate, its cushions, wheels, actions, and toe-stops. The following is an example of the Concert (Complete Skate Package).
Boot: Risport Antares
Plate: Roll-Line Variant C
Cushions: Roll-Line
Wheels: Magnum
Toe-Stops: Standard Gray
Mounting: Included

First, you should know, I will have these for sale in our website's Pro-Shop starting Feb 1st (possibly sooner). It's not required for Memphis, but there are some opportunities for us to break the norm and have a uniform collection of Roller Louisiane-branded articles, such as skate bags, jackets, club outfits, and practice gear, to name a few.
On the subject of skate bags, you can do any one of the following. Click the arrow to expand and see more info.
When you order complete skate packages with us, or on, your skates are turn-key—meaning, they're ready to go. In your box, you will also find a standard tool kit with wrenches for personalizing your new Roll-Line plate/frame, cushions, and toe-stops.
You can find the tool kit here and browse all of Skater's Oasis accessories.
The skater's first set of proper clothing is almost always the club outfit: #Louisiane1. Since practice comes before competition, please note women should buy tights (1-2 pairs) for practice. Men will need at least one pair of pants from the #Louisiane1 design.
Update (Le Dép) - Our future pro-shop:
We're over 50% complete! I've added the following categories and products to Le Dép, ready to go for our launch date: Feb 1, 2023.
• Tee-shirts • Hobbyists (mid-performance equipment for all ages)
• Youth Athletes (mid- and high-performance training & competitive)
• Adult Athletes (high-performance training and competitive)
• Elite Athletes (elite-performance training and competitive)
• Collezione // Danza (Athletes-specific dance packages & equipment)
• Collezione // Libero (Athletes-specific freestyle packages & equipment)
• Collezione // Obligatorio (Athletes-only figures & loops packages & equipment) • All freestyle frame (plate) packages • All figure and dance frame packages • All toe stops, including free dance and dance plugs ("ministopper") • Mystery item 😈 wait to see...
// To-Do • Boots: Figure & Dance (Various colors) • Boots: Freestyle (Various colors)
• Cushions
• Tools
• Tights
• Harnesses
• Stones • Attire: Club Outfits: #Louisiane1 • Attire: Club Outfits: #Louisiane2 • Complete skate packages: hobbyists (turnkey, ready to go) • Complete skate packages: figure athletes (turnkey)
• Complete skate packages: dance, group/precision athletes (turnkey)
• Complete skate packages: freestyle athletes (turnkey)
• Complete skate packages: pairs athletes (turnkey)