— 13 octobre 2023 —
Chèr.es Membre-Athlètes, chères familles,
As Head Coach of Roller Louisiane, I regret to inform you all that changes have been made to our programs and services in Bâton-Rouge. Unfortunately, I have had to make a difficult decision that effective immediately, and until further notice, I am ceasing all operations and affiliation with our facility, Skate Galaxy. Therefore, we will no longer offer our club program's services (training and testing) and class services—making yesterday, Thursday, October 12, 2023, our last practice and class in Bâton-Rouge for the foreseeable future. For us, #YallMeansAll — No Membre-Athlète of Roller Louisiane will train or test at Skate Galaxy and failure to adhere to this decision will result in immediate release from our club. In the spirit of transparency, I have also included my email to the facility's owners confirming my decision.
For anyone who foresees a problem with my decision, for any reason(s)—be it personal or logistic (travel) in nature—there will be only encouragement (no hard feelings) now and in the future. I will always strive to support you in what you feel is best for your goals. Should this apply to you, I have completed and signed my end of the Release required by USA Roller Sports and provided the partially completed Release as a PDF below and in our File Library as well under Club Documents / Releases: CLICK TO VIEW.
At the core of our club, we encourage, practice, and celebrate vulnerability and perseverance on both the individual and organizational levels, at the very least in the spirit of our values—Liberté, Accessibilité, Innovation, Olympisme—and with a particular nod to Olympism. Change is inevitable. Despite adversity and the risk of setbacks, among others, we must choose, through daily practice, to embrace—never ignoring or underestimating—the lessons that vulnerability, failure, and defeat can teach us, because perseverance is a choice (#LâchePas).
From the moment you started as a student, with every push you took, every fall you had, I stand beside you as does every Membre-Athlète of our club. We stand together and learn to practice courage and professionalism for ourselves, for our kids, and for our sports, because for us #LâchePas (never surrender) means more than any one post should ever attempt to define.
#LâchePas les ami.es.