Hey, guys!
For anyone having trouble registering for their USARS membership, you may have experienced a glitch in the system: the club wasn't showing up in USARS's dropdown. The Charter has been renewed and now you can continue registering your athlete(s).
Please register your athletes by September 15th ("Full Competitive" being the option). If you're not registered with USARS, you cannot continue with our club. Parents can register children (minors) without needing a membership for themselves. However, adult athletes are required to register with USARS and any minors in their household who are athletes with our club.
If you have any questions, please comment below or call me.
Get started now: https://usarollersports.sport80.com/
Once you've registered with USARS, print out your membership card (example w/ mine below) and stick it in your lanyard. This is how you'll check in for tests, meets, etc. If it's in your lanyard, you always have it :)

Our card is the same from year to year, or do we need to redownload each year?
Post updated to include Membership Card (example).