All of Roller Louisiane's competitive club skaters, or competitive Member-Athletes (MAs), who have expressed interest in competing at the 2023 Annual Heart of Memphis Invitational have been entered and registered. In the spirit of competitor-to-coach development, you can reference the meet's Google Entry Form here and all required figure assignments for each event; the event(s) and figure assignments for each MA are also listed below. Though it is rare, the figures for your event(s) may change; however, I will check for any changes prior to the start of each practice and any changes I notice will be left in the comments below and updated in green here in the post. Entry fees for each are due on or before Saturday, December 31, 2022, so we can make the meet's deadline of January 4, 2023. Entry fees vary by skater and include the ARS/AARS yearly fee ($10). You can learn more about the entry fees, deadlines, and complete meet info on this post: #Memphis2023 - Let's Plan Our Trip.

Please continue to read this entire post for figure variations as they apply to all MAs listed below.
Jensen WILEY (11)
• Elementary C: 2B & 112A
Parent: @Meghan Wiley
Kimora WEBB (12)
• Elementary C: 2B & 112A
Parents: @jewelwebb35 & @bbwespider.l (Judith Webb)
Annie MAHONEY (33)
• Adults C: 1 & 111B
• Advanced B: 1 & 2 Tag: @Annie
• Adults C: 1 & 111B
• Veterans: 1B & 2 Tag: @jewelwebb35
Regardless of your Memphis Figure Assignments, everyone has to take this Online Lesson I've prepared for you: Introduction to Figures.
If you skip this step, the rest of this post will likely be gibberish. Note: I've redone this lesson and reset your status so you can take it again.
Once you complete your Online Lesson (Introduction to Figures), you can always reference the Resource Article I've written for you under our site menu: Resources > Articles > Figure 0: Guide to Figures, which covers a deeper understanding:
• Universals
• Figures 1-4
• PDF of all School Figures documentation provided by USA Roller Sports (USARS)
• Image gallery of all School Figures documentation provided by USARS
• Demo video for Figure 1
• Clips from the Online Lesson and many more
• Full Version of "Form and Carriage," which I've also embedded here:
Figure Variations (2)
Some figures required for Memphis are not covered in the online lesson linked above. For the first type of variations, you will notice that some of (y)our Figures include letters in their names, such as 1B and 2B. This variation refers to a new family of figures called Change Eights.
For the 2nd type of variation: (Y)our figures are comprised of entirely different numbering systems—3 digits instead of 1—such as 111B and 112A. Do not be alarmed. You already know how these figures work. This variation refers to a new family of figures called Serpentine Eights.
Variation 1: Change Eights
Figure 1B is a unique figure and is part of the family (type) of figures known as "Change Eight" figures. It does not mean you can do Figure 1 starting on your left foot. This family or type of figure is called Change Eight because you still use two circles, in a "figure eight" pattern, but you change the edge AND circle halfway through. For this figure, you'll start on your left foot (LOF) as shown in the image below and "Change" to the inside edge (LIF) on your next circle. You're skating 50% of the first circle on the LOF edge and changing to skate 50% of the next circle on the LIF edge.
Figure 1B starts on the B foot (left foot) and uses 50% of one circle to show the LOF edge and as you reach the tangency, you rock over to the LIF and change circles—but not feet—to trace 50% of the next circle on the LIF edge, hence the nomenclature: LOIF. You don't have much time to trace 50% of the 2nd circle, so be mentally prepared to change feet—but not circles—with a rolling takeoff onto the ROF edge. You trace the ROF edge on the same circle until you reach the tangency again and rockover (change) to the RIF edge, hence the nomenclature: ROIF. Repeat this all over again to show Figure 1B to 100%.

Like Figure 1B, you start on the B foot (left foot) but unlike 1B, you will start with an inside edge, like Figure 2 (LIF), and change over to the outer edge (LOF), hence the nomenclature: LIOF.
Figure 2B is a unique figure and is part of the family (type) of figures known as "Change Eight" figures. It does not mean you can do Figure 2 starting on your left foot. This family or type of figure is called Change Eight because you still use two circles, in a "figure eight" pattern, but you change the edge AND circle halfway through. For this figure, you'll start on your left foot (LIF) as shown in the image below and "Change" to the inside edge (RIF) on your next circle. You're skating 50% of the first circle on the LOF edge and changing to skate 50% of the next circle on the LIF edge.
Figure 2B starts on the B foot (left foot) and uses 50% of one circle to show the LIF edge and as you reach the tangency, you rock over to the LOF and change circles—but not feet—to trace 50% of the next circle on the LOF edge, hence the nomenclature: LOIF. You don't have much time to trace 50% of the 2nd circle, so be mentally prepared to change feet—but not circles—with a rolling takeoff onto the RIF edge. You trace the RIF edge on the same circle until you reach the tangency again and rockover (change) to the ROF edge, hence the nomenclature: ROIF. Repeat this all over again to show Figure 2B to 100%.

Variation 2: Serpentine Eights
When you see three digits (Jewel and Annie, and anyone really): Don't be alarmed. It's Figure 1 with three circles, the center is just skated half a time around. To help you remember, look at the last number. How I remember it is, 111B has three digits 1-1-1, the last of which is well, 1. Three digits means we will use three circles, and the last digit (1) means we use Figure 1's edges. The center circle is skated only half a time around (50%), before changing feet and circles to show the opposite foot's Figure 1 edges. Figure 1's edges are always outside edges. So, Figure 111B will start on the B foot (left foot) and skate the center circle 50% until you arrive at the tangency/strike zone. Then, you will place your right foot on the tangency and push with your skating foot (left foot) to do a rolling takeoff and change to the the ROF edge on the next circle for 100% tracing of the new circle. As come back to the tangency, you will change feet AGAIN and circles AGAIN and trace 50% of the center circle AGAIN on the LOF edge. As you near the next circle, you will change feet and circles AGAIN and use the LOF edge for 100% of the circle. As you near the tangency once more, you will repeat everything one more time to successfully demonstrate Figure 111B. The breakdown is as follows:

When you see three digits (Jensen and Kimora, and anyone really): Don't be alarmed. It's Figure 2 with three circles, the center is just skated half a time around. To help you remember, look at the last number. How I remember it is, 112A has three digits 1-1-2, the last of which is 2. Three digits means we will use three circles, and the last digit (2) means we use Figure 2's edges. The center circle is skated only half a time around (50%), before changing feet and circles to show the opposite foot's Figure 2 edges. Figure 2's edges are always inside edges. So, Figure 112A will start on the A foot (right foot) and skate the center circle 50% until you arrive at the tangency/strike zone. Then, you will place your left foot on the tangency and push with your right foot tracing the RIF edge on the next circle for 100% tracing of the new circle. As come back to the tangency, you will change feet AGAIN and circles AGAIN and trace 50% of the center circle AGAIN on the RIF edge. As you near the next circle, you will change feet and circles AGAIN and use the LIF edge for 100% of the circle. As you near the tangency once more, you will repeat everything one more time to successfully demonstrate Figure 112A.

You can find more information about the meet by [always] clicking on any hashtags in any post on our website: #Memphis2023 (Meet info) and #Louisiane1 (club outfit). As always, any site member can post on our website and any site member can leave a comment on any post by scrolling down to the bottom of the post. Lastly, you can receive push notifications to your phone notifying you of any new posts, comments, and reactions to posts/comments via the
The "Spaces by Wix" app available in your device's app store. Download the app by clicking here. Be sure to use the same personal email you use on our website for sign-up/log-in, so you don't create duplicate accounts. If you're not sure which personal email you used, you can always find it and more on your account page: #HeartOfMemphis2023 #Memphis2023 #EntryFees